Well, the puppies are 5 weeks old now. They tried solid food today and because it was such a nice day, got to have some play time out side! Now the fun really begins! This is where I get up with them at the crack of dawn so they can do their 'duty' outside, and eat breakfast! Ashlie is getting tired I think. 5 Puppies is a lot for her.. I think she will be relieved when they are weaned and she has 5 little playmates!

Barqs was the first one, he wanted to play with the pine cone, he just didn't want to get up to get it.. He LOVES snuggling in the basket and would probably stay there all night if I let him!

Cherry was definitely more interested in the pine cone than posing for me. She kept trying to come lay by me instead of staying on the blanket.

Dewy is always photogenic. He really has the cutest expressions. He too, liked the pine cone!

Fanta was not her normal posing self. She was really interested in what was going on in the kennel and it seemed as though I was bothering her more than anything. UNTIL I let her play with the pine cone.. She still wouldn't pose for me though..

Squirt was hilarious. He was pouncing on the pine cones and pawing them like a cat. He would back up all hunched and then pounce. I tried to video it, but my camera ran out of batteries.
There are only two puppies left, Cherry and Barqs. All of the others have been reserved and get to go to really good homes! e-mail me or comment with any questions!
Thanks for looking!
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