Here she is, our last night with Sugar Baby, who is now named, Blanca Spirit..

It took a day of grooming, bath & blow drying to get her to calm down enough for these pictures.

We are sure going to miss her! She has been Cassidy's better half for the past two weeks, and really I do not know what we are going to do with out her!
She is flying tomorrow, we wish her well in her new home! We have it on good information that she will be REALLY spoiled!
No more puppies... awww that is sad... you know I have right here you can have back... hehehe just kidding. I love him to death. He follows me everywhere... and Karisa wont leave him alone. I am going to email you pictures soon I swear.
You can come visit Bella and Oliver any time. :) I promise to post more pictures this weekend. If I'm home, they expect my full attention, so I haven't gotten on my computer at all. Spoiled. :)
We gave them a bath the other night and they were miserable. They looked so sad when they were wet. But they sure looked cute after they were dry!!!
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