This week has been a crazy one for sure! The puppies turned 2 weeks old yesterday, so I am a day late posting their pictures. However, they opened their eyes TODAY so it is luck that I was too busy yesterday, being Thanksgiving and all, to take and post their pictures.
Doncha love that face! He is the cutest little man. He really doesn't like the bandanna. He was growling at it! But he likes to be snuggled in his
blankie! Do you blame him though? It is like 6 degree's here!


Shagg-e was a
squirmer today. He wanted to explore, instead of pose for pictures! He always looks like he is smiling! I love his cute little face!

Here is our little princess. She is definitely is the most spoiled. My daughter favors her because she is a girl.. She is a sweetheart and really like to snuggle!


Fred-e is a sweetie pie! He seems to really like being held like a baby on my shoulder. It is hilarious.

And, last but not least, here is our little
darlin Scoob-E. He is pretty much content anywhere. He really just wanted to sleep instead of pose for me.

The pups little fuzzy muzzles are starting to grow in! Next weeks pics should be fun! I hope that you and your families had a great Thanksgiving Holiday and didn't get too beat up if you went shopping on Black Friday!
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