I know this is the latest I have EVER posted my update.. I am just moving slow I guess! Here they are, the last three.. 6 and a half weeks old.. They are all doing AWESOME at their potty/kennel training.. They have even slept through the night twice!
Sleeping Beauty
She is a very calm puppy.. Really quiet. She loves to snuggle, but doesn't EVER refuse to play with her brother and sister.

Prince Charming
Prince is very regal.. He ADORES people and would rather be snuggling with my daughter than anywhere.. He is always watching my mom, wondering when she is coming to get him I am sure. He is an absolute sweetheart, and will do well with his new friend Pepper..

Princess Ariel
Ariel is a delight. She is playful & snuggly. She is so small but can hold her own with her brother & sister. She really didn't want her picture taken today and was more interested in exploring..

I haven't heard how their week has gone yet, but I hope to soon!
Again I am sorry I posted late. It has been a busy, crazy weekend.. Enjoy our babies!
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